Plenary VIII
- Muhsin Harakeh (KVI-CART)
Subir Sarkar
(University of Oxford and NBI Copenhagen)
03/09/2015, 11:00
The detection of high energy neutrinos of extraterrestrial origin by the IceCube detector buried in the Antarctic icecap has opened a new window in astronomy. Efforts are underway in the KM3NeT project to construct a similar detector in the Mediterranean sea, so we will have a view of the full sky. We can then identify whether e.g. active galactic nuclei or gamma-ray bursts or something even...
Ulrike Thoma
(HISKP, Uni Bonn)
03/09/2015, 11:30
One of the open challenges in subnuclear physics is to understand the non-perturbative regime of quantumchromodynamics, including the world of the nucleon and its excitations. One of the key issues here is to identify the relevant degrees-of-freedom and the effective forces between them. A necessary step towards this aim is undoubtedly a precise knowledge of the experimental spectrum and the...
Dario Vretenar
(Physics Department, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb)
03/09/2015, 12:00
Low-energy collective excitations reflect the underlying effective nuclear interactions and shell structure of single-nucleon orbitals. The evolution of collective states characterizes a variety of interesting structure phenomena across the nuclide chart: clustering in light nuclei, modification of shell structures and occurrence of deformations in closed-shell nuclei far from stability,...