Poster session
Hamed Panjeh
(FUM Radiation Detection and Measurement Lab, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran)
03.09.15, 16:30
Hundreds of cement factories use online bulk material analyzers to improve their quality control for both raw material and kiln feed, and reduce their variability. The most used technology for online analysis is Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis (PGNAA), with 252Cf as the neutron source. A simulation study has been done to develop the setup geometry and investigate the possibility of...
Zuzana Feckova
(Matej Bel University)
03.09.15, 16:30
Hydrodynamic modelling of quark-gluon plasma requires sophisticated numerical schemes that have low numerical viscosity and are able to cope with high gradients of energy density that may appear in initial conditions. We propose to use the Godunov method with an exact Riemann solver for ideal hydrodynamic modelling to meet these conditions. We present the results of numerical tests of the...
Andrew Bolyog
(ATOMKI, Debrecen)
03.09.15, 16:30
Pulse Height Response Spectrometry (PHRS) is a tool of neutron physics and several applications performed with fast neutrons with En > 0.1 MeV energy. We have built and characterized a PHRS system based on a scintillation detector with EJ-301 liquid scintillator and Digital Signal Processing (DSP). The system will be used for characterization of mixed neutron-gamma fields to be used for...
Madalina Cruceru
(IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania)
03.09.15, 16:30
In the interaction of beam accelerated nuclei with thin targets (C-12, CH2, Ag, Cu, Al) at JINR-Nuclotron are produced delta electrons. for their detection a deltaE-E detector is described. This detector is a semiconductor detector combined with an inorganic crystal of CsI(Tl), realized in Horia-Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest. Experimental data...
Alexander Glushkov
(Odessa University -OSENU)
03.09.15, 16:30
Paper goes on the systematic studying the cooperative nuclear processes [1] with some refinement of the quantum mechanical description of the simple droplet nuclear model. The aim is to account for the most important dynamics features of the inner-nuclear processes that must lead to simplification of calculational procedure. Approach proposed must allow for systematic refinements in the frame...
Gabor Riczu
(Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
03.09.15, 16:30
We introduce two algebraic models for the shell-like quarteting of nucleons. The simpler one is based on the quartet concept of Arima et al, which does not treat explicitly the degrees of freedom of the constituent nucleons. Nevertheless, the Pauli-principle is not violated in this phenomenological description, either: the quartets of four nucleons occupy different single particle...
Boris Loncar
(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia)
03.09.15, 16:30
The Direct Matrices Multiplication (DMM) method was developed by D. Novković as theoretical model for coincidence summing of X-and gamma rays of radionuclides with complex decays schemes. This method enables: a) identification of all possible decay paths and decay paths outcomes; b) calculation of particular path outcome, probabilities and corresponding energy deposited in the detector; c)...
Luc Perrot
03.09.15, 16:30
The new ISOL facility SPIRAL2 is currently being built at GANIL, Caen France. SPIRAL2 will produce a large number of new radioactive ion beams (RIB) at high intensities. In 2019, the DESIR facility will receive beams from the upgraded SPIRAL1 facility of GANIL (stable beam and target fragmentation), from the S3 Low Energy Branch (fusion-evaporation and deep-inelastic reactions). In order to...
Amin Attarzadeh
(PhD Student)
03.09.15, 16:30
The macroscopic-microscopic method is used to calculate penetrabilities for different fission channels around proton and neutron magic numbers from uranium and plutonium. The liquid drop part is obtained from the Yukawa-plus-exponential potential, whereas the single-particle energy levels are computed with the deformed two center shell model. The shell correction part is obtained by the...
Okla AlHorayess
03.09.15, 16:30
Unlike Multi-Wire Proportional Counter (MWPC), the principle of Micro-Strip Proportional Counter (MSPC) is that the anode and cathode electrodes are very narrow conductor strips. The field strength necessary to produce gas amplification in MSPC is generated between neighbouring strips and by the voltage difference between the strips and the detector cathode, which can be at considerable...
Andre Jose Neves Marques de Ornelas
03.09.15, 16:30
The 17O(p,g)18F reaction is one of the most important reactions of astrophysical interest. In general the hydrogen burning of oxygen isotopes can occur in hydrogen core and shell burning, asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars during hydrogen shell burning, intermediate-mass AGB stars during hot-bottom burning, and both CO and ONe classical novae during explosive hydrogen burning [1]. This...
(İstanbul University Science Faculty Physics Department)
03.09.15, 16:30
There are many methods to determine 222Rn concentration in the air. In this study, 500 LR -115 nuclear trace detectors were placed to 25 schools in Fatih District and they stayed there for a month-period. After a month, the detectors were collected gently and the traces which occurs via basic alpha decay on detector material, counted by using a special method for that special type of LR – 115...
Valery Kovalchuk
(Department of Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine)
03.09.15, 16:30
A general analytical expression for the double differential cross section of deuteron stripping reaction on nuclei at intermediate energies of incident particles was obtained in the diffraction approximation [1]. Nucleon-nucleus phases were calculated in the framework of Glauber formalism and making use of the double-folding potential. The exact wave function of deuteron with correct...
Doru Pacesila
03.09.15, 16:30
Ion implantation technology provides the most efficient way to insert impurities into different materials, especially materials with crystalline structure, in order to change in a controllable manner their physical, chemical or electrical properties. It is a material engineering process that allows creation of new materials, atomic mixing, metal finishing, etc. However, by implanting energetic...
Adrian Rotaru
03.09.15, 16:30
Ion Beam Analysis (IBA) is a family of analytical techniques used for material characterization. It probes a material for atomic composition and concentration along its surface and to depths of the order of a few microns, depending on the type and energy of the probing beam. We have installed at the Bucharest 3 MV tandetron a micro-beam scanning system that can use Rutherford...
Vasily Buyadzhi
(Odessa University -OSENU)
03.09.15, 16:30
We consider spectra of the barium isotopes and compute the internal conversion electron coefficients. The neutron- deficient nuclides of 125,127Ba are theoretically studied and the level structures for high-spin states is interpreted within the framework of the RMF model. The electron internal conversion coefficients in the 125,127Ba nuclides are calculated on basis of relativistic Dirac-Fock...
Olga Khetselius
(Odessa State University -OSENU)
03.09.15, 16:30
Nowadays the PNC in the finite Fermi-systems has a potential to probe a new physics beyond the Standard Model. We systematically apply our combined nuclear (relativistic mean field model) and QED many-body perturbation theory method [2] to precise studying spin- independent and spin-dependent (SD) PNC effects. There are listed new results of the calculating the nuclear magnetic moments, hf...
Satimbay Palvanov
(National University of Uzbekistan)
03.09.15, 16:30
This work presents work results of investigation of the isomeric yield ratios η= Ym/(Ym +Yg) of the 45Sc(γ,n)44m,gSc, 45Sc(n,2n)44m,gSc, 76Ge(γ,n)75m,gGe, 76Ge(n,2n)75m,gGe, 81Br(γ,n)80m,gBr and 81Br(n,2n)80m,gBr reactions. The isomeric yield ratios were measured by the induced radioactivity method. Samples of natural Sc, Ge and Br have been irradiated in the bremsstrahlung beam of the...
Vasily Buyadzhi
(Odessa State University -OSENU)
03.09.15, 16:30
The short-lived excited states of nuclei in a hot plasma with excitation energies on the order of the temperature of the plasma reach thermal equilibrium with the nuclear ground state and their relative population is determined by a Boltzmann distribution. These states are usually taken into sccount in standard nucleosynthesis calculations, though the data about their nucleonic reaction...
Nadezda Kornegrutsa
03.09.15, 16:30
Nuclear track emulsion (NTE) stays to be a versatile and inexpensive technique for forefront researches. In JINR samples of reproduced NTE have been exposed to 1.2 A GeV 11C nuclei, 7 A 8He nuclei, thermal and fast neutrons and 1.2 A MeV Kr and Xe ions. NTE has retained its position as a means for studying a nuclear clustering via relativistic fragmentation [1]. Using the ACCULINNA separator...
Daniel Constantin Negut
("Horia Hulubei" National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
03.09.15, 16:30
Color changes and other modifications in the physical chemical properties of materials induced by gamma irradiation are feared by cultural heritage responsible committees and they have to be evaluated objectively and precisely (Manea et al. 2012). The present study follows the changes of gamma irradiated experimental models of painting with non-destructive and non-contact spectroscopic...
Constantin Daniel Negut
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
03.09.15, 16:30
Radiation resistance of materials is of great interest for various industries such as medical devices, nuclear power plants or aerospace. Among many types of radiation currently used for material testing, gamma is the most common because of its high availability in research or industrial irradiators, well standardized dosimetry, high reproducibility of the irradiation experiments. There are a...
Ali Akbar Mehmandoost-Khajeh-Dad
(University of Sistan and Baluchestan)
03.09.15, 16:30
A modified version of Ginzburg-Landau theory of phase transitions is presented, which seems to be applicable to small systems, such as a nuclei. The effect of statistical fluctuations are taken into account. The changes in the results are compared with the standard Ginzburg-Landau theory. We have used this modified version + Fermi gas model in order to calculate the heat capacity and the level...
Mohammad Eslami-Kalantari
(Faulty of Physics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran)
03.09.15, 16:30
In order to treatment of deep brain tumors, BNCT is a well method. BNCT consists of two steps. First, 10B carrier drug is injected in the patient body, then the patient is irradiated with thermal or epithermal neutrons. Recently, studying on production of neutrons by accelerators to use in BNCT treatment is growing up. One of the famous reactions using accelerator’s beam for neutron production...
Hamoud Alharbi
03.09.15, 16:30
A separable Poincaré invariant instant form model for the pion-nucleon system has been constructed. It describes the coupling between single-baryon and meson-baryon channels. The elastic scattering amplitudes are obtained from three-dimensional Lippmann-Schwinger equations. The S-matrix elements for the various processes are gauge invariant and transform properly under inhomogeneous Lorentz...
Narges Firouzi
(Faculty of Physics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran)
03.09.15, 16:30
Inverse bremsstrahlung absorption, (IBA), is the most efficient absorption mechanism in laser-fusion plasma. IBA is the process where an electron absorbs a photon during of colliding to an ion or to another electron. IBA of laser energy in homogeneous and unmagnetized plasma has been studied using the Fokker-Planck equation, f0. This equation is an isotropic q-non-extensive electrons...
Dana Niculae
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania),
Radu Leonte
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania)
03.09.15, 16:30
Alternative methods for producing the medical imaging isotope 99mTc are actively being developed around the world in anticipation of the imminent shutdown of the NRU reactor in Canada and the Petten reactor in Holland that together currently produce up to 80% of the world’s supply through fission. The most promising alternative methods involve accelerators that focus Bremsstrahlung radiation...
Mohammad Eslami Kalantari
(Faculty of Physics, Yazd University)
03.09.15, 16:30
The isomeric yield ratio (IYR) of 104,106Agm,g in the 50 and 60 MeV bremsstrahlung induced reaction of natAg has been determined for the first time by off-line gamma ray spectrometric technique using 100 MeV electron linac at Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), Pohang, Korea. The end-point bremsstrahlung energies of 50 and 60 MeV were produced by impinging electron beam on tungsten metal foil...
Konstantinos Karakatsanis
(Department of Physics, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Greece)
03.09.15, 16:30
One of the most important advantages of relativistic mean-field (RMF) models in nuclear physics is the fact that the large spin-orbit (SO) potential emerges automatically from the inclusion of Lorentz-scalar and -vector potentials in the Dirac equation [1]. It is therefore of great importance to compare the results of such models with those of non-relativistic models and with experimental...
Hamoud Alharbi
Magdi Bajusair
(King Saud university),
Masaud Almalki
(King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology)
03.09.15, 16:30
Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions are used to study the confinement to de-confinement phase transition state and the possibility to create quark gluon plasma (QGP). Strangeness enhancement is considered to be one of traditional signature formation of (QGP). Kaons are the lightest strange particles which are produced only at the time of collisions and thus are expected to carry important...
Muzeyyen Gokce Erdogan
(Istanbul University)
03.09.15, 16:30
In this presentation, The design studies of solenoid magnets which will planned to use for TAC (Turkish Accelerator Center) PAF (Proton Accelerator Facility) Project’s LEBT (Low Energy Beam Transfer) line, will be presented. 2 – D FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics) simulation code for quarter piece of the solenoids have been used for magnet design studies. Electromagnetic and mechanical...
Boris Loncar
(University of Belgrade, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia)
03.09.15, 16:30
This paper presents an algorithm for the calculation of internal and external doses, which is an integral part of the mathematical model of atmospheric dispersion. Results of modeling were compared with values from an IAEA publication for a given scenario of radionuclide emission to the atmospheric boundary layer. Due to small differences in the results, compared to the IAEA recommended model,...
Nurgul Hafizoglu
(Istanbul University)
03.09.15, 16:30
All living organisms on earth are exposed to natural radiation because of the earth’s radiation. Natural external radiation consists of cosmic rays and terrestrial radiation. Terrestrial gamma radiation, to a large extend comes from natural radionuclides in the soil, i.e. the U-238, Th-232 and K-40. Cosmic rays are the radiations from outer space to the earth. In this study, U-238, Th-232 and...
Motahhareh Abbasi
(Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran)
03.09.15, 16:30
This paper introduces a simulation method to predict the output pulse height tally of a gamma detector for an active foil in a specific time after the irradiation. Monte Carlo technique based on the MCNP-4C code was used for the simulations. A combination of two MCNP input files was performed and joined to three FORTRAN programs. The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo code (DSMC) was written and...
Alexandru Jipa
(Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest)
03.09.15, 16:30
At the new facility built at GSI Darmstadt (Germany) will be performed a large variety of nucleus-nucleus collisions at energies between 2 A GeV and 45 A GeV [1]. One of the detection systems that will use it is CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter). An interesting objective of the experiment is that related to the phase transitions in nuclear matter formed in these conditions. The type of the...
Constantin Daniel Negut
(Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
03.09.15, 16:30
Cultural heritage represents one of the most important factor for human kind. First, it is the legacy translated into accomplishments that people have made along their history, a thing that human kind can be proud of and a reason for continuous development. Last but not least, it shows the level of civility and progress reached along its existence. Considering this, salvation, consolidation...
Cristiana Oprea
03.09.15, 16:30
More than thirty years ago high values of parity violation (PV) effects in comparison with theoretical evaluations in the scattering of slow neutrons experiments on Lead nucleus were observed. From scattering experiments resulted that the main contribution to the PV effects is given by the 204Pb isotope of Lead. Further in order to solve the discrepancy between theory and experiment on PV...
Mohamed DOUICI
(Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie, Université Djilali Bounaama, Khemis Miliana, ALGERIA)
03.09.15, 16:30
In medium-mass nuclei close to the N=Z line, the neutron-proton (np) pairing correlations play an important role. They are generally studied within the BCS approach, but the main shortcoming of the latter is the particle-number fluctuation. A projection is thus necessary. Furthermore, the charge-radius is one of the fundamental properties of atomic nuclei. Its study may provide useful...
Dana Niculae
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania),
Dimiter Balabanski
(Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP), Magurele, Romania)
03.09.15, 16:30
A very brilliant, intense γ-beam, which is produced by incoherent Compton back-scattering of direct laser light with a very brilliant and intense electron beam, will become available at the upcoming Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics facility (ELI-NP). Such facility will deliver a very intense, brilliant γ-rays, ≤0.5% bandwidth, up to 19 MeV and hence provides an unprecedented...
Constantin Daniel Negut
(Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH))
03.09.15, 16:30
Using physical chemical techniques for investigation, conservation and restoration of works of art is unavoidable nowadays. Nuclear techniques are among the most sensitive methods of elemental and isotopic analysis. In this work Raman and Visible reflectance spectroscopy were used for quantification of the chromatic integration which is the key operation in conservation restoration process...
Valery Kovalchuk
(Department of Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine)
03.09.15, 16:30
Using the nuclear diffraction model and the high-energy approximation with double-folding potential based on CDM3Y6 interaction [1], the observed cross sections of quasi-elastic scattering of 6He, 7Be, and 8B nuclei by 12C nuclei at intermediate energies were described. The calculations performed using realistic nucleon density distribution for target nucleus [2]. Moreover the Coulomb...
Radiation resistance of some microorganisms involved in cultural heritage artefacts degradation
Daniel Constantin Negut
03.09.15, 16:30
Ionizing radiation is used for decades in applications related to microbiological decontamination. Although the study of radiation resistance of microorganisms started many years ago, in practice, a number of aspects still need clarification. Some applications (like sterilization of medical devices) have a high degree of standardization, while for others the radiation resistance tests are...
Olga Khetselius
(Odessa University -OSENU)
03.09.15, 16:30
Consistent relativistic energy approach (REA) to calculation of the cooperative electron-gamma-nuclear processes combined with the relativistic PT [1] is presented. The nuclear-excitation – electron transition (NEET) effect is studied. The NEET probability is determined as the probability that decay of the initial excited atomic state will result to the excitation of and subsequent decay from...
Hassan Hassanabadi
(University of Shahrood)
03.09.15, 16:30
Applying Klein-Gordon equation with Cornell interaction and considering of linear term as parent we find the mesonic wave function in terms of Airy’s functions. We then calculate the decay width, branching ratio and the CKM matrix element for semileptonic decays of B and Bs mesons using Isgur-Wise function formalism. Comparison with other models is also included and motivating.
Serge Franchoo
(IPN Orsay)
03.09.15, 16:30
The behaviour of the shell structure for exotic nuclei is far from being well known. When going far from stability, some old magic numbers can disappear and new ones can appear. We here discuss about neutron-rich copper isotopes towards the 78Ni doubly-magic nucleus, with the strength functions of the shell-model orbitals measured in the 72Zn(d,3He)71Cu proton pick-up reaction in inverse...
Alexander Glushkov
(Odessa University -OSENU)
03.09.15, 16:30
Our work is devoted to spectroscopy and dynamics of hadronic (kaonic, pionic) atoms, heavy H-,Li-like ions (test systems) within ab initio nuclear-relativistic many–body perturbation theory [1] with accounting nuclear, radiative effects. One of the purposes is establishment a quantitative link between quality of nuclear structure modeling and accuracy of calculating spectra. The wave functions...
Alexander Glushkov
(Odessa University -OSENU)
03.09.15, 16:30
Experimental data on spectra of heavy quarks prove an existence of the quark spin dependent relativistic interactions, which are absent in the nonrelativistic potential models. There are experimentally observed (in the radiative E1-transitions N3S1-N-13PJ-N-l3 S1) triplets 3Pj of states with the splitting of dozens MeV (in charmonium and bottonium). The radiative M1 transitions between orto-...
Olga Khetselius
(Odessa University -OSENU)
03.09.15, 16:30
We present generalized multi-configuration model to describe a decay of hmultipole giant resonances (MGR), which is based on shell model and microscopic model of pre-equilibrium decay with statistical account for complex configurations within generalized Zhivopistsev-Slivnov model [1,2]. All possible configurations are divided on two groups: i) complicated configurations, which are...
Nadezda Kornegrutsa
03.09.15, 16:30
The BECQUEREL project [1-3] at the JINR is devoted systematic exploration of clustering features of light stable and radioactive nuclei. Stacks of pellicles of nuclear track emulsion provide a special opportunity to explore clustering of light nuclei (reviewed in [1]). The presented results on dissociation of 7Be nuclei are demonstrate the progress in research carried out by the BECQUEREL...
Constantin Daniel Negut
(Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
03.09.15, 16:30
The materials used in nuclear physics experiments are of interest for two aspects: the behaviour in time (degradation and ageing of materials used in the construction of the nuclear facilities) and the purity of the materials used in certain experiments. A large number of testing methods are currently available, with different degrees of standardization. The physics and chemistry testing...
Mario Sanchez
(Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'Orsay (IPNO))
03.09.15, 16:30
A longstanding problem has been to obtain nuclear forces from the underlying theory of QCD. In addition to allowing a derivation of nuclear structure, a first principles approach should provide insight into the nature of the virtual state present in the 1S0 nucleon-nucleon channel, which is very near threshold and thus has an anomalously large, negative scattering length. This fact, which is...
Daniel Vasile Mosu
("Horia Hulubei" National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
03.09.15, 16:30
The recently improvements and developments at the classic 9 MV FN Tandem are described in the following work, together with the newly installed 3 and 1 MV Tandetron machines. The new slit stabilization system for the ion beam energy based on interconnection of three signal types coming from GVM (Generator Volt Meter), image slits and CPU is presented. An important development in our laboratory...
Yek Wah LAM
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
03.09.15, 16:30
Using the newly constructed isospin non-conserving (INC) shell-model Hamiltonians, we have derived a new set of resonant and non-resonant (direct capture) contributions to radiative proton-capture reaction rates on sd shell nuclei important for astrophysical rp process, namely, 23Al(p,γ)24Si, 25Al(p,γ)26Si, 28P(p,γ)29S, 29P(p,γ)30S, 35Ar(p,γ)36K, 31Cl(p,γ)32Ar and 32Cl(p,γ)33Ar. The INC...
Pylyp Kuznietsov
(Institute of Electrophysics and Radiation Technologies NAS of Ukraine)
03.09.15, 16:30
We use covariant approach with conserved EM current, which gives the ability to include strong interaction into QED. Therefore, we receive the ability to describe disintegration processes on nonlocal matter fields applying standard Feynman rules of QED. Inclusion of phase exponent into wave function receives a physical sense while we deal with the dominance of strong interaction in the...
S. Santhosh Kumar
(Bharathidasan Govt. College for Women, Puducherry - 605003, U. T. of Puducherry, INDIA)
03.09.15, 16:30
The existence of long lived superheavy nuclei(SHN) is controlled mainly by spontaneous fission and alpha decay processes. The systematics of α-decay lifetimes formulated by Geiger and Nuttall empirically formed straight lines. The half-life is extremely sensitive to Qα. Almost all the theories use either the extrapolated values of Audi et al., or the measured KE to calculate the experimental...