Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Hadron Structure, Spectroscopy, and Dynamics II
- Ulrike Thoma (HISKP, Bonn University)
Martin Cleven
(Institute of High Energy Physics and Theoretical Physics Center for Science Facilities, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)
31.08.15, 16:30
In order to test different models proposed for some states discovered recently in the charmonium mass range that do not fit into the pattern predicted by the conventional quark model, we derive predictions for the spectrum within the hadro-charmonium picture, the tetraquark picture as well as the hadronic molecular approach. We exploit heavy quark spin symmetry for the hadro-charmonium and...
Landdiao Liu
(Peking University)
31.08.15, 16:45
The BESIII Experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPC2) collected large data samples for electron-positron collisions with center-of-mass above 4 GeV during 2013 and 2014. A number of hadronic transitions have been measured in these data samples, leading to a rather complex picture of the physics of charmonium(-like) states above 4 GeV. In this talk we will present results...
Mikhail Barabanov
31.08.15, 17:00
The D-meson spectroscopy together with the spectroscopy of charmed and strange baryons is discussed. A large number of D-mesons produced in pair at the threshold can be used to study rare processes in the charm system like CP-violation, flavour mixing, rare decays. The expectation from the standard model is that CP-violation is large for K-system and B-system but small for D-system. A...
Dmitry Tsirkov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
31.08.15, 17:15
The pion production in proton-proton collisions with formation of the final-state 1S0 proton pair has been studied at ANKE-COSY. The angular dependence of the differential cross section has a forward dip in the whole energy region, its energy dependence reveals a clean peak in the Δ(1232) resonance region. The analyzing power is found significant, the maximal value of its angular dependence...
Xiongfei Wang
(Tsinghua University)
31.08.15, 17:30
The BESIII experiment has accumulated a large sample of J/psi, psi' and psi(3770) data set. Through these charmonium radiative and hadronic decays, we can explore the light hadron spectroscopies. In this talk, we will report our recent results on the study of the baryon spectroscopy. In addition, BESIII collected 506/pb sample at sqrt{s} = 4.6 GeV, which allows us to perform the double-tag...
Michael Cargnelli
(Austrian Academy of Sciences - Stefan Meyer Institute)
31.08.15, 17:45
The X-ray measurements of kaonic atoms are important for understanding the low-energy QCD in the strangeness sector. Within then SIDDHARTA experiment we studied the X-ray transitions of 4 light kaonic atoms (H, D, 3He and 4He) using the DAFNE electron-positron collider at LNF (Italy). The currently most precise values of the shift and width of the kaonic hydrogen 1s state were determined,...
Nasrin Salehi
(Shahrood Branch, Islamic Azad University)
31.08.15, 18:00
In this paper we study the spin and flavor dependent SU(6) violations in the nonstrange baryons spectrum using a simple approach based on the new mass formula. The energy eigenvalue of each baryon is obtained using the anzast method with the octic potential. The results of our model (the combination of our proposed solution method, hypercentralpotentialand generalized Gürsey Radicati mass...