Ralf Kaiser
(IAEA and University of Glasgow)
The Physics Section of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is responsible for the IAEA programmes on accelerator applications, nuclear instrumentation, research reactor utilisation and nuclear fusion. This includes research and development work, primarily in instrumentation, almost 100 technical cooperation projects around the world, coordinated research projects (currently 12) that bring together more than 150 research groups from developed and developing countries as well as science policy. Projects reach from the IAEA X-ray fluorescence beamline at the Elettra synchrotron in Trieste, over the development of UAV-based gamma spectrometry to cooperation with ITER on nuclear fusion and the support of the SESAME synchrotron project in the Middle East. The goal of this talk is to present the IAEA programme in Nuclear Physics and to point out possibilities for future collaboration.
Primary author
Ralf Kaiser
(IAEA and University of Glasgow)