30 August 2015 to 4 September 2015
MartiniPlaza Congress Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Single-particle states in neutron-rich copper isotopes

3 Sep 2015, 16:30
1h 30m
MartiniPlaza Congress Center

MartiniPlaza Congress Center

Leonard Springerlaan 2, 9727 KB Groningen
Board: 42
Poster Poster


Serge Franchoo (IPN Orsay)


The behaviour of the shell structure for exotic nuclei is far from being well known. When going far from stability, some old magic numbers can disappear and new ones can appear. We here discuss about neutron-rich copper isotopes towards the 78Ni doubly-magic nucleus, with the strength functions of the shell-model orbitals measured in the 72Zn(d,3He)71Cu proton pick-up reaction in inverse kinematics with a radioactive beam at GANIL in France. It shows that the Z=28 shell gap in the neutron-rich copper isotopes is not appreciably affected by the addition of neutrons beyond N=40. We also present the latest results from an experiment leading to selective population of hole states in 79Cu, through the 80Zn(p,2p)79Cu knock-out reaction with the liquid-hydrogen target MINOS, performed at RIKEN in Japan and being currently analysed.

Primary authors

Mr Louis Olivier (IPN Orsay) Dr Pierre Morfouace (IPN Orsay) Serge Franchoo (IPN Orsay)

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