30 August 2015 to 4 September 2015
MartiniPlaza Congress Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Gamow-Teller transitions in the 46Ti (3He, t) 46V reaction

31 Aug 2015, 15:00



Merve Dogan (Istanbul University)


Gamow-teller is a weak interaction of spin-isospin type. By studying GT transitions we can obtain some information about nuclear structure as well as nuclear astrophysics. GT transitions can be studied by beta decay and charge exchange reactions. β decay has a direct access to the absolute GT transition strengths B(GT). Charge Exchange reactions are also useful to determine B(GT) strengths up to high excitation energies if the “standart B(GT) value” is available from beta-decay studies. Here in this talk we focus on high-resolution (3He, t) type charge exchange reaction studies at RCNP, Osaka. A specific example on the 46Ti target nucleus will be given. The spectrum which have high energy resolution of ~30.25 keV makes it possible to observe many excited states and determine the Gamow-Teller transition strengths in 46V.

Primary author

Merve Dogan (Istanbul University)


A. Negret (Universiteit Gent) A. Tamii (Osaka University) A.F. Lisetskiy (Michigan State University) C. Fransen (Universität zu Köln) E. Ganioğlu (Istanbul University) E. Jacobs (Universiteit Gent) G. Süsoy (Istanbul University) G.P.A Berg (Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut) H. Fujita (Osaka University) J. Kamiya (Osaka University) K. Fujita (Osaka University) K. Hatanaka (Osaka University) K. Kawase (Osaka University) K.O Zell (Universität zu Köln) L. Popescu (Universiteit Gent) M. Honma (University of Aizu) M. Yosoi (Osaka University) N. Pıetralla (Universität zu Köln) P. Von Brentano (Universität zu Köln) T. Adachi (Osaka University) T. Mizusaki (Senshu University) T. Otsuka (University of Tokyo) Y. Fujita (Osaka University)

Presentation Materials