30. August 2015 bis 4. September 2015
MartiniPlaza Congress Center
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Stochastic features of decay of the multipole giant resonances in nuclei

03.09.2015, 16:30
1 h 30m
MartiniPlaza Congress Center

MartiniPlaza Congress Center

Leonard Springerlaan 2, 9727 KB Groningen
Gremium: 55
Poster Poster


Olga Khetselius (Odessa University -OSENU)


We present generalized multi-configuration model to describe a decay of hmultipole giant resonances (MGR), which is based on shell model and microscopic model of pre-equilibrium decay with statistical account for complex configurations within generalized Zhivopistsev-Slivnov model [1,2]. All possible configurations are divided on two groups: i) complicated configurations, which are considered within shell model with account for residual interaction; ii) statistical group of complex configurations with large state density and strong overlapping. To account for collectivity of separated complex configurations for input state a diagonalization of residual interaction on the increased basis (ph, ph+ phonon, ph+2 phonon) is performed. Process of arising a collective state of MGR and an emission process of nucleons are described by the corresponding diagram with V effective Hamiltonian of interaction, resulted in capture of muon by nucleus with transformation of proton to neutron and emission by antineutrino. Isobaric anagoges of isospin and spin-isospin resonances of finite nucleus are excited. Proposed model of MGR decay is applied to analysis of reaction (-n) on nucleus 40Ca. The residual interaction was chosen in form of Soper force. Our data are compared with experimental data and other calculation data. [1] A. Glushkov et al., New Projects and New lines of research in Nuclear Phys., eds. G. Fazio, F. Hanappe (World Sci.. Singapore, 2003); A. Glushkov, Nucl. Phys A 734S, 21 (2004). [2] H. Feschbach et al., Ann. Phys. 125, 429 (1980); F. Zhivopistsev et al., Izv. AN USSR 48, 821 (1984); I. Vaytkowska Nucl. Phys. 15, 1154 (1972).


Olga Khetselius (Odessa University -OSENU)


Prof. Andrey Svinarenko (Odessa State University -OSENU) Dr. Ludmila Lovett (UK Nat. Academy of Sci. and Bookdata Co., London) Dr. Yulia Dubrovskaya (Odessa State University -OSENU)


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