30 August 2015 to 4 September 2015
MartiniPlaza Congress Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Hard probes of the quark gluon plasma at the LHC

31 Aug 2015, 10:00


Oral Plenary I


Marco van Leeuwen (Nikhef/Utrecht University)


Hard scattering processes in high-energy nuclear collisions produce energetic quarks and gluons that probe the hot and dense matter that is created in the collisions as they escape the collision zone. I will review recent experimental results concerning the production of high-pt particles and jets in heavy ion collisions at LHC and what these results tell us about the the interactions between energetic partons and the low-momentum quarks and gluons in the collision and the properties of the hot and dense matter.

Primary author

Marco van Leeuwen (Nikhef/Utrecht University)

Presentation Materials