30 August 2015 to 4 September 2015
MartiniPlaza Congress Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Symmetry violations in neutron and nuclear beta decay

31 Aug 2015, 18:00
Room 5

Room 5


Keri Vos (VSI - RUG)


Nuclear and neutron beta decay played a major role in uncovering the structure of the weak interaction, but also remains important today in searches for physics beyond the Standard Model. These searches for non-SM physics, such as novel scalar and tensor interactions, are, however, not independent from searches in other fields, such as searches at the LHC or searches for electric dipole moments. In this talk I will discuss the significance of beta decay in the era of LHC and I will present a road map for future experiments.

Primary author

Keri Vos (VSI - RUG)


Prof. Hans Wilschut (VSI - RUG) Prof. Rob Timmermans (VSI - RUG)

Presentation Materials