30 August 2015 to 4 September 2015
MartiniPlaza Congress Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Investigation of the time-reversal invariance in pd radiative capture reaction

1 Sep 2015, 15:30
Room 5

Room 5


Ali Akbar Mehmandoost-Khajeh-Dad (University of Sistan and Baluchestan)


Experimental differential cross sections of proton deuteron radiative capture and the photo-disintegration of 3He are compared at the same center of mass angle as a function of energy. The proton deuteron radiative capture (PDRC) differential cross sections are multiplied by an appropriate detailed-balance factor. For Eγ > 50 MeV the PDRC results have good agreement with the inverse reaction results which is a test of time-reversal invariance in the electromagnetic interaction. For 30 < Eγ < 50 MeV there is no agreement between the PDRC and the inverse reaction results.

Primary author

Ali Akbar Mehmandoost-Khajeh-Dad (University of Sistan and Baluchestan)

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