30 August 2015 to 4 September 2015
MartiniPlaza Congress Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Recent results from the mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP

31 Aug 2015, 15:15



Andree Welker (CERN)


Atomic masses of radioactive nuclides provide crucial information for a number of research topics, from nuclear structure and its manifestations across the nuclear chart, to the modelling of the r-process of nucleosynthesis. In this contribution, we will present the latest mass measurements from the precision Penning-trap mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP, located at the ISOLDE facility at CERN. The masses of neutron-rich 129−131Cd isotopes were determined using ISOLTRAP’s unique combination of four ion traps, including a multi-reflection time-of-flight mass spectrometer, which is now used for beam purification and mass spectrometry as well. The cadmium isotopes are an important input for modelling the astrophysical r-process of nucleosynthesis, as the 130Cd isotope is thought to be a major waiting point nuclide. The masses of neutron-rich chromium isotopes were measured, approaching the N = 40 region, where nuclear collectivity is expected. Additionally, the masses of 101,102Sr and 101,102Rb were determined, extending the investigations of the A ≈ 100 nuclides in a well-known region of nuclear shape transition.

Primary author

Andree Welker (CERN)

Presentation Materials