30 August 2015 to 4 September 2015
MartiniPlaza Congress Center
Europe/Berlin timezone

Some advances in the microscopic foundations of the Interacting Boson Model

1 Sep 2015, 14:00
Room 5

Room 5


Jose Barea (Universidad de Concepcion)


The traditional interpretation of pairs of nucleons coupled to angular momentum 0 and 2 as bosons in the Interacting Boson Model is revisited. In contrast to previous calculations, where extensive use of the Number Operator Approximation (N.O.A.) is made, we show new calculations of spectroscopic intensities of one nucleon transfer reactions and log ft values of single beta decays where this approximation is relaxed. We compare the results obtained with and without using N.O.A. with the experiment and the overall agreement between them is better without using N.O.A..

Primary author

Jose Barea (Universidad de Concepcion)

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