Production of heavy meson-pairs at proton-antiproton collisions within a double handbag approach

17 Sep 2013, 11:30
Lombardei (Courtyard Marriot Berlin City Center)


Courtyard Marriot Berlin City Center


Dr Alexander Thomas Goritschnig (Ecole Polytechnique)


We study the pair-production of heavy mesons in proton-antiproton annihilations within a perturbative QCD motivated framework [A.T. Goritschnig, B. Pire and W. Schweiger, Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 014017]. In particular we investigate p \bar{p} to \bar{D^0} D^0 within a double handbag approach, where the hard process ud ubar dbar to cbar c factorizes from soft matrix elements of c q q operators. The soft matrix elements can be parameterized by transition distribution amplitudes, which are off-diagonal in flavor space. The transition distribution amplitudes are modelled by representing them as overlaps of light-cone wave-functions (where we have treated the proton within a quark-diquark picture). We obtain rather robust model results for p \bar{p} -> \bar{D^0} D^0 cross sections, which are also expected to be measured at the future PANDA detector at GSI-FAIR.

Primary author

Dr Alexander Thomas Goritschnig (Ecole Polytechnique)


Prof. Bernard Pire (Ecole Polytechnique) Prof. Wolfgang Schweiger (University of Graz)

Presentation Materials