29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
GSI Campus
Europe/Berlin timezone

Grant and Fellowship writing *

1 Dec 2023, 11:00
1h 30m
BK1.1.001a (Seitenraum Kantine) (GSI Campus)

BK1.1.001a (Seitenraum Kantine)

GSI Campus

and hybrid via Zoom.


Mr Ian Tracey (Anchored In) Mrs Viola Hay (Anchored In)


You will learn about effective strategies for crafting a compelling proposal to successfully apply for grants and fellowships. You will learn about different types of grants and fellowships available to early career researchers and how to select the one that is most appropriate for you. We will deliver an interactive and hands on session that will provide you with practical tools to develop a research proposal that effectively communicates the significance, innovation, and feasibility of your research project.

Presentation Materials

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