29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
GSI Campus
Europe/Berlin timezone

Collaboration & Networking

29 Nov 2023, 13:30
1h 30m
BK1.1.001a (Seitenraum Kantine) (GSI Campus)

BK1.1.001a (Seitenraum Kantine)

GSI Campus

and hybrid via Zoom.


Mr Ian Tracey (Anchored In) Mrs Viola Hay (Anchored In)


The session will focus on the benefits of networking and collaboration as a life-skill and as a tool to explore research questions, building consortia, raising funding, develop your career and deliver impact. We will explore how network confidently across boundaries in a range of different organisations and levels of seniority. You will learn how to effectively present your research idea in a concise and impactful manner that is tailored to your audience.

Presentation Materials

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