29 November 2023 to 1 December 2023
GSI Campus
Europe/Berlin timezone

Career Path in Academia and beyond *

1 Dec 2023, 09:00
1h 30m
BK1.1.001a (Seitenraum Kantine) (GSI Campus)

BK1.1.001a (Seitenraum Kantine)

GSI Campus

and hybrid via Zoom.


Ian Tracey (Anchored In) Mrs Viola Hay (Anchored In)


The session will give an overview of job search strategies, use job boards and online platforms, and how to tailor your application materials to specific job postings. You will learn about how to prepare for job interviews, how to develop a strong research profile, including how to publish in high-impact journals and how to build a network of collaborators.

Presentation Materials

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