Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Septa Development
- Christian Schömers (Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Centre)
Electrostatic septa are critical components in particle accelerators, but operating them can be challenging. Optimizing their settings is key to enhancing beam quality and reducing losses. Recent techniques at CERN focus on minimizing setup time and monitoring spark rates to prevent equipment damage. This talk will share experiences and advancements from CERN, offering valuable insights into...
The impact of high-flux protons on the inherent beam loss in the slow extraction from SPS towards the North Area has been recently discussed and potential improvements have been proposed. These solutions are mainly aiming to reduce the high component activation and related reduction of lifetime, as well as observed non straightness in the anode body. Recent studies have allowed to demonstrate...
Mu2e experiment requires 8 GeV proton beam to study rare neutrinoless decays of a muon to an electron. The delivery of 8 spills every 1.4 seconds with 1E12 protons per spill is provided by means of resonant slow extraction. Two electrostatic septa (ESS) have been designed to facilitate the slow extraction. Each septum will have a cathode that is energized to a nominal voltage of 100kV with a...
In 2008, an electrostatic septum was built to a CERN design in industry for the slow extraction in CNAO’s medical accelerator in Pavia. Shortly after it’s installation, several shortcomings revealed themselves, such as limited orbiting beam acceptance and difficulties to operate the displacement system remotely.
In 2020 a collaboration was launched between CERN and CNAO to design a version of...