Feb 11 – 15, 2024
TFZ Wiener Neustadt
Europe/Berlin timezone

Following the successes of previous workshops, the 5th Slow Extraction Workshop will be held from the 11th to 14th February 2024.

The workshop location is Wiener Neustadt in Austria. It is organized by MedAustron with contributions by GSI and some funding by the EU-Project IFAST.

The actual workshop agenda can be found on the menu item 'Timetable'.

There is a handout and Google Map with key locations such as the workshop location, hotel, restaurants, etc. around the SE Workshop

Poster contributions: During the entire workshop, about 20 posters can be presented on boards in the vicinity of the coffee break location. It is an excellent opportunity to present recent results not discussed in detail by the talks. Actual but also posters presented at previous conferences are accepted. No dedicated poster session is foreseen. Please indicate your poster contribution in the registration form. The assignment will done on a first-come-first-serve basis. 

Registration: The workshop registration is handled via the website: 


Further details such as the proposal for the hotel can be found on this website in addition.

Procedure for abstracts and upload: 

Oral contribution: Please submit an abstract using the left-hand menu item 'Call for Abstracts'.  Please indicate 'Oral presentation' as the ' Contribution type'. Submission deadline is the 4th of February  2024. For the upload of an oral presentation you need an INDICO account at GSI. If you don't have one, please create it using the button 'login' (right top). The user name and password can be the same as at other INDICO providers.

Poster presentation: Please submit an abstract using the left-hand menu item 'Call for Abstracts'.  Please indicate 'Poster presentation' as the 'Contribution type'. Submission deadline is the 4th of February  2024. 

The links to previous workshops are:

The 1st Slow Extraction Workshop at GSI (2016), the 2nd Slow Extraction Workshop at CERN (2017), the 3rd Slow Extraction Workshop at FNAL (2019), and the remote event of the 4th Slow Extraction Workshop at J-PARC (2022).

Prior to 2016, BNL also previously hosted two related workshops:

The 10th ICFA mini-workshop on slow extraction (2002)

The 14th ICFA mini-workshop on septa devices (2005)

TFZ Wiener Neustadt
Viktor Kaplan-Straße 2, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria