Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Slow Extraction Hardware and Machine Protection
- Vladimir Nagaslaev (FNAL)
Monitoring the extraction of protons from the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) ring to the North Area (NA) facility at a high rate is crucial for optimizing the extraction process and ensuring efficient fixed target physics. To achieve this, it is necessary to measure beam current fluctuations across a wide range of frequencies, from a few hundred Hz to several hundred MHz. This...
The secondary emission beam monitors of the North Area at CERN (BSIs) form a vital component in the delivery of stable beams to experiments and users. Located in the primary beam lines, these monitors operate by integrating low-energy secondary electrons emitted proportionally to the charged particle flux. In turn, the absolute calibration of these monitors plays a key role in their operation....
The Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) is a SQUID based superconducting device for intensity measurement, which has first been proposed as a beam diagnostics in the mid 90s at GSI. In the course of plannings for FAIR the CCC has been revitalized as intensity monitor for exotic/highly charged ions and antiprotons in the storage rings as well as for slow extracted beams in the extraction and...
The J-PARC Hadron beamline is a slow-extraction beamline with three primary beamlines. The A line (30 GeV, 65 kW, spill length of 2 seconds, cycle of 5.2 seconds) serves as a beamline for experiments utilizing secondary particles generated at the T1 target. The B-line (30 GeV, 24 W, spill length of 2 seconds, cycle of 5.2 seconds) branches out part of A-line beam, directly employing protons...
J-PARC Main Ring currently delivers 30 GeV, 65 kW (7 × 1013 ppp) slow-extracted proton beams over 2 s to the hadron experimental facility to drive various nuclear and particle physics experiments. A high-intensity beam triggered by risky machine trips could cause serious damage to an electric septum or a production target. The Hadron Hall incident that occurred in 2013 was the most serious in...
2020 MedAustron and Instrumentation Technologies started to develop a new RF instrument, capable of handling all RF use-cases in the injector or the synchrotron at MedAustron. This development is now mostly finished and the device is ready for commissioning. The system can be used as digitizer or beam diagnostic device, but it can also generate arbitrary RF signals. Combining RF readout and...
2020 MedAustron and Instrumentation Technologies started to develop a new RF instrument, capable of handling all RF use-cases in the injector or the synchrotron at MedAustron. This development is now mostly finished and the device is ready for commissioning. The system can be used as digitizer or beam diagnostic device, but it can also generate arbitrary RF signals. Combining RF readout and...
Monitoring the extraction of protons from the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) ring to the North Area (NA) facility at a high rate is crucial for optimizing the extraction process and ensuring efficient fixed target physics. To achieve this, it is necessary to measure beam current fluctuations across a wide range of frequencies, from a few hundred Hz to several hundred MHz. This...
The Cryogenic Current Comparator (CCC) is a SQUID based superconducting device for intensity measurement, which has first been proposed as a beam diagnostics in the mid 90s at GSI. In the course of plannings for FAIR the CCC has been revitalized as intensity monitor for exotic/highly charged ions and antiprotons in the storage rings as well as for slow extracted beams in the extraction and...