Jan 14 – 20, 2024
Darmstädter Haus
Europe/Berlin timezone

Properties of heavy-flavour Four-Quark states from Functional Methods

Jan 17, 2024, 11:40 AM
Darmstädter Haus

Darmstädter Haus

Oberseitestraße 38 6992 Hirschegg Austria
Contributed talk


Joshua Hoffer (University Gießen)


Since the experimental discovery of the first tetraquarks in 2003, there
has been a lot of excitement around this topic from the theoretical
as well as the experimental side. To study the properties of
these four-quark states we employ hadronic bound state
equations, i.e., Faddeev or Bethe-Salpeter equations. In this talk we will
present our results for the mass spectra and internal structure of heavy-light hidden-flavour
four-quark states in the charmonium and bottomonium sector.

Presentation materials