June 26, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone


09:00 Registration

09:30 Welcome and overview from GSI-FAIR

10:00 Welcome and overview from Baker Ruskinn

10:20 Ben Wielockx, Technische Universitat Dresden, Germany
“Oxygen sensing in cancer: the good, the bad and the ugly”

11:00 Ludwig Dubois, Maastricht University, Netherlands
“Tumor Hypoxia from bed to bench and back, a success story?”

11:40 Coffee break and group photo

12:00 Dominik Fuhrmann: Iron metabolism under hypoxia – A problem in cancer therapy?

12:15 Cristina Totis: The role of hypoxia in the immunogenicity of osteosarcoma cells after photon or carbon ion exposure

12:30 Martina Quartieri:The role of hypoxia and radiation in selecting Circulating Cancer Stem-like cells in vitro

12:45 Joao Seco, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany
“Oxygen dynamics in cells: models and experimental studies”

13:25 Lunch Break

14:00 GSI-FAIR Tour

15:00 Coffee break

15:20 Emanuele Scifoni, Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications, Italy
“The FLASH mechanistic puzzle: Role of experiments at controlled oxygenation”

16:00 Andrea Scarmelotto: In-vitro FLASH study of spheroids irradiated with proton beam at ultra-high dose rate (1000 Gy/s)

16:15 Frank Van den Heuvel: Assessing the FLASH –effect in different oxygenation environments using multi-cell spheroids —What can we expect: A quantification study.

16:30 Till Böhlen:Tumor efficacy of UHDR compared with CONV irradiation – a quantitative analysis of published results

16:45 Pierre Montay-Gruel, University of Antwerp, Belgium
“Importance of tissular oxygen tension for FLASH-RT investigation”

17:25 Remarks and Conclusions

17:40 End of the workshop