20.–21. März 2002
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Scope, Background & Topics


The main focus of this workshop will be:
  • To discuss and find the design of a recoil separator which fits best the needs for a pre-separator coupled to superheavy element chemistry.
  • To establish an international community among interested experts in the fields of
    • separator design, atomic - and nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry
    • to design, build, test and operate such a recoil separator
    in combination with superheavy element chemistry


The idea of the workshop originates from the success of superheavy element chemistry, which has now reached Hassium, element 108, with cross sections of a few pb and the insight that, presumably, a wide range of chemical investigations of elements 110 to 114 will require a physical pre-separation of the reaction products. Mandatory for such a separator will be, among other aspects, a very high transmission in combination with the use of thick actinide targets.


The following topics will be presented and discussed, and we ask for submission of contributions to these topics:
  • Separation in vacuum (velocity filter, energy filter, ...)
  • Separation in gas-filled separators
  • Magnet designs and combinations
  • Ion source and accelerator developments
  • Window and target designs for high intensity heavy-ion beams
  • Nuclear structure and stability (half lives, decay modes)
  • Nuclear reactions (fusion reactions, target-projectile combinations, cross sections, multi-nucleon transfer products, ...)

Scope, Background, Topics & Program as pdf-file