1:00 PM
(CML, zoom) Axion searches at storage rings
Karanth Swathi
1:07 PM
(FPF) LFU violation and prospects at Belle II
Eldar Ganiev
1:14 PM
(CML) A “charming” view on matter formation with ALICE
Annalena Kalteyer
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
1:21 PM
(FPF) Fast calorimeter simulations with Machine Learning techniques
Peter Mc Keown
1:28 PM
(MRU) Extending the Physics Reach of the Pierre Auger Observatory using Low-Level Trigger Data
Martin Schimassek
1:35 PM
(CML) High accuracy mass measurements of exotic nuclei with an MR-TOF-MS
Christine Hornung
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
1:42 PM
(MRU) Bush fires & the Crab Nebula
Tim Holch
1:49 PM
(FPF) A detailed map of Higgs boson interactions ten years after the discovery
Martina Ojeda
1:56 PM
(CML) Studies of the expanding matter lifetime at high muB with HADES experiment
Maria Stefaniak
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
2:03 PM
(MRU) Searches for Heavy Neutral Leptons
Maksym Ovchynnikov
2:10 PM
(FPF) From the precision frontier to physics beyond the SM
Simone Amoroso
2:17 PM
(CML) Hydrogen-based nuclear spin ordering: from fundamental symmetries to contrast agents in MRI (2021 Erwin Schrödinger Prize)
Danila Barskiy
Dmitry Budker
(Helmholtz Institute Mainz, JGU)