1. Juni 2022 ONLINE ONLY
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

HITRAP Experiments Proposal E130 with ranking A

01.06.2022, 16:50
690 1369 5599 / SPARC_Beam (Zoom)

690 1369 5599 / SPARC_Beam



Max Horst


Re: E130 ‘Cooling and precision spectroscopy of 209Bi82+ ion ensembles with the ARTEMIS and SPECTRAP experiments at the HITRAP facility’
The beamtime proposal E130 for HITRAP has been approved by the GPAC with ranking A a couple of years ago. In the years 2018 to 2021 it was not possible to take the approved beamtime of 30 shifts. Presently, from May 17th to 28th 2022, the HITRAP facility is being re-commissioned in a machine time with highly charged nickel ions. No beamtime with 209Bi82+ ions could be foreseen due to the priority of re-commissioning the HITRAP facility. In preparation for the beamtime, the ARTEMIS experiment is being commissioned with Ar13+ ions from an offline source. The connection of the ARTEMIS setup to the low-energy beamline of HITRAP has been successfully established recently.
A new superconducting magnet, which is a Swedish inkind-contribution, for an upgrade of the SPECTRAP experiment has been installed at the HITRAP platform. The existing setup of SPECTRAP will be adapted to the new magnet and commissioned with offline ions.
The authors of the proposal E130 want to ask the GPAC to reschedule the approved beamtime for the years 2023 and 2024.



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