Paul Garrett
(University of Guelph)
5/23/12, 9:00 AM
Modern radioactive-beam facilities are capable of producing intense sources that are ideal for beta-decay studies. At the TRIUMF-ISAC facility, we have a strong program of nuclear structure studies utilizing beta-decay and the 8pi spectrometer. Part of our program have examined systems close to stability, concentrating on very-high-statistics measurements, while another component of the...
Nicholas D. Scielzo
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
5/23/12, 9:45 AM
Reliable measurements of beta-delayed neutron properties can be performed with precision by confining radioactive ions in an ion trap. When a radioactive ion decays in the trap, the recoil-daughter nucleus and emitted particles emerge from the <1 mm^3 trap volume without scattering and propagate unobstructed through vacuum. These properties allow the momentum and energy of the emitted neutron...
Jose L. Tain
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular, CSIC-Univ. Valencia)
5/23/12, 11:00 AM
A new neutron counter BELEN (BEta deLayEd Neutron) is being developed within the DESPEC-NUSTAR experiment for the future FAIR facility by the UPC-Barcelona, IFIC-Valencia and GSI-Darmstadt/Giessen U. collaboration. Meanwhile the detector is being employed at several installations for the study of beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities Pn.. The commissioning of the detector and first...