Elizabeth McCutchan
(Brookhaven National Lab)
We explore the systematics of beta-delayed neutron emission probabilities both globally
and in regions relevant to applications, such as decay heat calculations. Traditionally,
correlations were sought by investigating the P$_n$ value as a function of the Q value of
the decay (or some relation involving Q). Here, we present systematics of the ratio P$_n$/T{_1/2} and find
a strong correlation as a function of the energy available for the beta-delayed neutron decay, $Q_{\beta n}$.
Such a relation can be used to predict P$_n$ values for cases where the half-life is known
and could be of relevance to r-process calculations or predictions of advanced fuel cycles. Correlation schemes such as these rely on
a precise knowledge of P$_n$ values. To contribute to the available data, new, precise measurements of P$_n$ values are planned
at the CARIBU facility at Argonne National Laboratory. A brief description of
a proof-of-principle case in $^{138}$I will be given.
Primary author
Elizabeth McCutchan
(Brookhaven National Lab)
Alejandro Sonzogni
(Brookhaven National Lab)
Timothy Johnson
(Brookhaven National Lab)