22-23 May 2012
McMaster University
Canada/Central timezone

Past beta-delayed emission evaluations

22 May 2012, 11:15
A-304 (McMaster University)


McMaster University

ABB (Senior Sciences) Building McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario Canada


Iris Dillmann (Uni Giessen/ GSI Darmstadt)


Beta-delayed neutron emission in fission products had already been discoverd a few months after fission itself. Ever since then, this decay mode has been studied intensively, as the data are essential input values for technical applications as fission reactors. Accordingly, there exists qite a lot of compilations and evaluations dealing with asüects of this decay mode as the emission probabilities or energy spectra. But these evaluations deal nearly exclusively with properties of neutron-rich nuclei obtained in neutron-induced fission. With the advent of radioactive beam facilities these decays can now be studied also in light and heavy nuclei. Up till now, no evaluation is available for these isotopes. In addition, new data on the delayed emission of charged particles and delayed fission will become available, so that a future extension of the evaluation ought to be considered.

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