Status and first Results of the CBM TRD Development

06.09.2012, 11:00


Herr Andreas, for the CBM TRD Groupe Arend (IKF, Uni Frankfurt)


The decay of the D-Meson as well as the J/Psi are key measurements of the future CBM experiment at FAIR. To contribute to these measurements the Transition Radiation Detector of the CBM experiment will provide electron-pion separation and will contribute to the experiment-wide tracking in an environment of unprecedented high particle fluxes. This talk will give an overview on the status of the CBM TRD development. First results from test beam data will be presented, focusing on the electron-pion separation for different conceptual approaches like TRDs with or without electron drift region. Moreover, the performance of a variety of radiator types and different chamber geometries will be discussed. An outlook on further measurements of the rate capability and the first measurement with a large scale demonstrator will be adumbrated.


Herr Andreas, for the CBM TRD Groupe Arend (IKF, Uni Frankfurt)
