Thomas Lang
We implemented a Langevin approach for heavy quarks to the UrQMD
hybrid model, which provides a realistic background medium for the
evolution in heavy ion collisions at FAIR energies.
Here we used two different sets of drag and diffusion
coefficients, a T-Matrix approach and a resonance model.
In case of the resonance model we also implemented different
decoupling temperatures of the heavy quarks from the hot medium
between $130\,$MeV and $180\,$MeV.
In our calculations we evaluate the nuclear modification factor
$R_{AA}$ as well as at the elliptic flow $v_2$.
We find that our results depend on the decoupling temperature strongly.
Additionally we investigate the influence of a coalescence versus a
fragmentation approach for the heavy quark fragmentation.
Predictions for FAIR energies are calculated and an outlook for RHIC
and LHC energies is given.
Thomas Lang
VAN HEES, Hendrik