Minimal lepton flavor violating realizations of minimal seesaw models

22 Jun 2012, 15:50


Dr Diego Aristizabal (Universite de Liege)


We study the implications of the global $U(1)_R$ symmetry present in minimal lepton flavor violating extensions of the seesaw. In the context of minimal seesaw setups with a slightly broken $U(1)_R$, it is shown that depending on the $R$-charge assignments two classes of generic models can be identified. Models where the right-handed neutrino masses and the lepton number breaking scale are decoupled; and models where the parameters that slightly break $U(1)_R$ induce a suppression in the light neutrino mass matrix. The corresponding charged lepton flavor violating phenomenology of these schemes is discussed and its interplay with preexisting primordial $B-L$ asymmetries is presented.

Primary author

Dr Diego Aristizabal (Universite de Liege)

Presentation Materials