Volker Werner
(Yale University)
12.09.11, 13:00
Recent data on Ge and Se isotopes above the N=50 shell closure has led to the discussion of a weakening of the Z=28 proton shell, based on relatively low first excited 2+ energies in the N=52 Ge and Se isotones. Further discussion relates to the possible emergence of a new neutron sub-shell closure at N=58, based on the evolution of single particle energies in N=51 isotones. Both effects would...
Giovanna Benzoni
Oliver Wieland
12.09.11, 13:30
In the region of the neutron rich iron isotopes, around the r-process starting point, only few spectroscopic information is available. We aim to determine life times, beta and isomeric decays and built first level schemes in 70-72Fe and around. We plan to use the unique combination of the high beam intensities available at RIKEN together with BigRIPS-ZeroDegree spectrometer and the EURICA and...
Alison Bruce
(University of Brighton)
12.09.11, 14:30
Neutron-rich zirconium (Z=40) nuclei lie in the midst of a shape-changing region with many models predicting a transition from spherical to prolate/oblate coexistence at N~60. Measurements of the mean-square charge radii in the zirconium chain [Ca02] indicate a shape transition at N=59. In order to further investigate the low-lying structure of more-exotic systems, an experiment was...