Robert Wadsworth
(University of York)
Recent work at GSI has enabled us to obtain evidence for the 16+ spin-gap isomer
in 96Cd via its beta decay to the 15+ isomeric state in 96Cd. However, large scale
shell model calculations using the gds model space indicate that the state should also undergo
beta-delayed proton decay. Our previous data did not have sufficient statistics to enable us to
search for such decays. It is important to confirm the presence of such a decay mode, since it has
implications for the GT strength and the purity of the wavefunction of the 16+
state. In addition, we would also like to perform a dedicated
reinvestigation of the proton decay modes of the 21+ isomer in 94Ag where one aim will be to
search for firm evidence of fine structure in the single proton decay
spectrum. We aim to study the decay modes of both the ground state and 7+ isomer in this nucleus.
Primary author
Robert Wadsworth
(University of York)