Chair: K. Jungmann
Hartmut Abele
(Vienna University of Technology)
06.09.11, 09:00
Precision Experiments
Oral Presentation
Carlo Rizzo
(Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France)
06.09.11, 09:35
Oral Presentation
The measurement of quantum vacuum magnetic birefringence is one of the ultimate experimental tests of Quantum electrodynamics. After a brief introduction to the theoretical aspects, I will present the status of the BMV (Birefringence Magnétique du Vide) experiment which is set up at the Toulouse High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
Such novel attempt to search for the effect of magnetic fields on...
Stefan E. Mueller
06.09.11, 10:10
Precision Experiments
Oral Presentation
The invariance of the laws of physics under Lorentz transformations
is one of the most fundamental principles underlying our current
understanding of nature. In theories trying to unify the Standard Model
with quantum gravity, this invariance may be broken, and dedicated
high-precision experiments at low energy could be used to reveal such
suppressed signals from the Planck scale....