A non-perturbative look at heavy quark diffusion (in session "Media 2")
An introduction to k_t-factorization and how it works in CASCADE; k_t-factorization vs the collinear scheme in double J/psi production (in session "Production/Media")
Bc mass and cross section (in session "Standard Model/Spectroscopy/Decay/Production")
BES: chi_cJ/eta_c decays (in session "Decay 1")
BES: J/psi, psi', and psi'' decays (in session "Decay 1")
Bottomonium above deconfinement in lattice nonrelativistic QCD (in session "Media 1")
Bottomonium decays at Babar (in session "Decay/Spectroscopy 2")
Bottomonium decays at Belle (Upsilon decays) (in session "Decay/Spectroscopy 2")
Bottonium production in pp collisions at 7 TeV with the CMS experiment (in session "Production 1")
Bound state nature of the exotic Z_b states (in session "Spectroscopy 1")
Bound states and SUSY (in session "Beyond Standard Model")
CDF Bc lifetime (in session "Standard Model/Spectroscopy/Decay/Production")
Central exclusive quarkonium production in hadron colliders (in session "Production 1")
Charm physics from the ETM Collaboration (in session "Decay / Standard Model")
Charmonium production in pp collisions at 7TeV with the CMS experiment (in session "Production 1")
Charmonium production in statistical models (in session "Media 2")
Charmonium spectroscopy on Nf=2+1 anisotropic lattices (in session "Spectroscopy 2")
Charmonium spectroscopy on Nf=2+1 isotropic lattices (in session "Spectroscopy 2")
Cross Section measurments for Y(nS), psi(2S), chi_c and chi_b at LHCb (in session "Production 2")
Dipion and tripion invariant mass spectra in X(3872) ---> J/psi pi pi (pi) within chiral lagrangian approach (in session "Spectroscopy/Decay 1")
Discussion (in session "Production 3")
Double quarkonium production in hadron colliders from the perspective of NRQCD (in session "Production 2")
Effective field theory for electromagnetic transitions of heavy quarkonium (in session "Decay/Spectroscopy 2")
EFT calculation of the gluon dissociation and charm dissociation cross section (in session "Media 2")
eta_c(') measurements at Belle (in session "Decay/Spectroscopy 2")
Exotics with sum rules (in session "Spectroscopy/Decay 1")
Factorization and Quarkonium production (in session "Production 1")
Frank-Condon principle in excited Heavy Quarkonia (in session "Decay / Standard Model")
Global NLO analysis of J/psi production with NRQCD (in session "Production 3")
Heavy exotics in heavy ion collisons (in session "Spectroscopy/Decay 1")
Heavy quark-antiquark threshold at NNL (in session "Standard Model/Spectroscopy/Decay/Production")
Highlights from CLEO (in session "Spectroscopy 1")
Hot Topics from Belle (in session "Spectroscopy 1")
Interaction energies between static-light mesons (in session "Spectroscopy/Decay 1")
Interplay of quark and meson degrees of freedom in a near-threshold resonance (in session "Spectroscopy/Decay 1")
Interquark potentials (in session "Spectroscopy/Decay 1")
J/psi and Upsilon production in Au+Au collisions at STAR (in session "Media 3")
J/psi production in pp collisions in the ALICE experiment (in session "Production 3")
Jpsi production + polarisation + double charm production at LHCb (in session "Production 2")
Latest Quarkonium results from HERA (in session "Production/Media")
Lattice NRQCD matching coefficients (in session "Decay / Standard Model")
Lattice QCD and quarkonium at T>0 (in session "Media 3")
Light dark matter and U bosons in quarkonium decays (in session "Beyond Standard Model")
Measurement of cross sections of J/psi and upsilon in ATLAS (in session "Production 3")
New Physics searches in quarkonium decays - experimental (in session "Beyond Standard Model")
New Physics searches in quarkonium decays - theory (in session "Beyond Standard Model")
NLO calculations of heavy quarkonia production at hadron colliders (in session "Production 3")
NLO US running of all subleading potentials (in session "Decay / Standard Model")
NRQCD matrix elements for S-wave bottomonia and Gamma[eta_b(nS) -> gamma gamma] with relativistic corrections (in session "Decay/Spectroscopy 2")
NRQCD spectrum with improved NRQCD matching coefficients (in session "Spectroscopy 3")
O(alpha_s v^2) Corrections to Hadronic and Electromagnetic Decays of 1S_0 Heavy Quarkonium (in session "Decay 1")
Observation of the h_b and h_b' at Belle and the Z_b's (in session "Spectroscopy 1")
Potential in Nf=2 QCD (in session "Decay / Standard Model")
Precision determination of r_0 Lambda_ MS from the QCD static energy (in session "Standard Model 2")
Production and suppression of J/psi and Upsilon states in Pb-Pb collisions at CMS (in session "Media 1")
Production of Triply Heavy Baryons (in session "Production/Media")
Properties of the eta_b and h_b at BaBar (in session "Spectroscopy 1")
Properties of the J/psi, psi(2S), and psi(3770) at KEDR (in session "Decay 1")
Prospects for quarkonia at SuperKEKB (in session "Future opportunities")
Pseudoscalar Quarkonium Exclusive Decays to Vector Meson Pair (in session "Decay/Spectroscopy 2")
Quarkonium in a moving thermal bath (in session "Media 2")
Quarkonium physics at a fixed-target experiment with the proton and lead LHC beams (in session "Future opportunities")
Results from ALICE (in session "Media 2")
Results from ATLAS (in session "Media 3")
Results on R from Belle, BaBar and CLEO (in session "Decay / Standard Model")
Round table on Quarkonium Suppression (Chair: N. Brambilla; Participants: M. Laine, M. Lombardo, K. Morita, P. Petreczky, J. Soto) (in session "Media 3")
Roundtable discussion on the charmed sea (Moderator: E. Eichten; Participants: P. Mackenzie, C. Urbach, J. Qiu, A. Vairo, M. P. Lombardo) (in session "Standard Model 2")
Simulation results for a resonance scan of the X(3872) at Panda (in session "Spectroscopy 3")
Spatial charmonium correlators at T>0 in 2+f QCD (in session "Media 3")
Spectroscopy at BESIII (in session "Spectroscopy 2")
Spectroscopy of the XYZ states at BaBar (in session "Spectroscopy 3")
Spectroscopy of the XYZ states at Belle (in session "Spectroscopy 3")
Status of FAIR (in session "Welcome Session")
Status of PANDA (in session "Spectroscopy 1")
Sum rules for quarkonium at T>0 (in session "Media 3")
Super B (in session "Future opportunities")
The discrete contribution to psi' -> J/psi+ gamma gamma (in session "Spectroscopy 2")
The impact parameter dependence of shadowing (in session "Production/Media")
The PHENIX in-medium quarkonia program (in session "Production/Media")
The status of pion transitions in quarkonium decays (in session "Spectroscopy/Decay 1")
Two-photon physics at BaBar (in session "Decay/Spectroscopy 2")
Uncertainty in the theoretical prediction for the polarization of heavy quarkonium produced at the LHC (in session "Production 2")
Welcome by GSI Director (in session "Welcome Session")
Welcome by the Local Organizers (in session "Welcome Session")
X(3872) (in session "Spectroscopy 3")
XYZ, mass and cross section at LHCB (in session "Spectroscopy 3")
Y polarization - CDF (in session "Production 3")
Include materials from selected contributions