Accelerator Seminar

Personal and Machine Protection during commissioning of the ESS accelerator

durch Annika Nordt (European Spallation Source ERIC)

SB1 Hörsaal + Zoom

SB1 Hörsaal + Zoom


The European Spallation Source (ESS), a research facility located outside of Lund, Sweden, is currently in its construction and early operation phase, and aims to be the most powerful neutron source in the world by 2025. The facility consists of a 600m long linear (proton) accelerator delivering a maximum average beam power of 5MW, a 5-ton rotating and helium cooled tungsten target and 22 beam lines where the experiments take place. The proton beam has a very high damage potential and can cause melting of equipment within a few microseconds, hence dedicated machine protection systems are needed to avoid damage of equipment and at the same time increase availability of proton beam and consequently neutrons. To protect personnel from exposure to prompt ionising radiation as created by the proton beam, RF systems and the spallation process, several access control and interlock systems have been designed. These are called Personnel Safety Systems (PSS). PSS mitigates also other hazards such as high voltage, magnetic fields, motion hazards, laser related hazards, oxygen deficiency.

In this seminar an overview on the challenges for the ESS Machine Protection and Personnel Safety Systems is provided.