KBW Lecture Hall
Planckstraße 1
Main Questions and Objectives
1) How do the conceptual underpinnings of the current theoretical models compare and constrain their applicability in various regions of phase space and temperature? Do these uncertainties provide a suffcient (and consistent) basis for systematic uncertainty evaluations of the extracted transport coeffcients? How can quantitative connections to the jet quenching in the light-flavor sector be made?
2) What is the impact of the available implementations of hadronization, in particular heavy-quark coalescence, on D-meson spectra, and how can they be seamlessly connected to the QGP and hadronic diffusion processes?
3) What are the pros and cons for Boltzmann vs. Langevin implementations of the heavy-flavor transport in an evolving medium?
4) What is the role of the different medium evolution models, and how do different predictions for the temperature- and momentum-dependent transport coeffcients in current model calculations manifest themselves in comparison to existing data?
5) What are future precision requirements on existing observables, and are there other ways to look at the data (new observables) to improve current accuracies, and to what extent? In particular, in what ways are the upcoming data at RHIC and the LHC crucial in extending our knowledge of heavy-quark phenomena in deconfined matter?
Main Questions and Objectives
1) How do the conceptual underpinnings of the current theoretical models compare and constrain their applicability in various regions of phase space and temperature? Do these uncertainties provide a suffcient (and consistent) basis for systematic uncertainty evaluations of the extracted transport coeffcients? How can quantitative connections to the jet quenching in the light-flavor sector be made?
2) What is the impact of the available implementations of hadronization, in particular heavy-quark coalescence, on D-meson spectra, and how can they be seamlessly connected to the QGP and hadronic diffusion processes?
3) What are the pros and cons for Boltzmann vs. Langevin implementations of the heavy-flavor transport in an evolving medium?
4) What is the role of the different medium evolution models, and how do different predictions for the temperature- and momentum-dependent transport coeffcients in current model calculations manifest themselves in comparison to existing data?
5) What are future precision requirements on existing observables, and are there other ways to look at the data (new observables) to improve current accuracies, and to what extent? In particular, in what ways are the upcoming data at RHIC and the LHC crucial in extending our knowledge of heavy-quark phenomena in deconfined matter?