GSI-FAIR Colloquium

GSI-Kolloquium: How swift heavy ions make an impact

by Marika Schleberger (University Duisburg-Essen)

SB1 1.20 (GSI Main Lecture Hall)

SB1 1.20

GSI Main Lecture Hall

Swift heavy ions (SHI) have long been known as a versatile tool for nanoengineering. The intense electronic excitation caused by a projectile passing through solid matter is limited to its immediate surrounding and results in energy densities which can otherwise not be achieved. The subsequent dissipation of deposited energy may result in significant material modifications. Possible effects encompass stoichiometric as well as structural changes. As a consequence important material properties such as electrical conductivity or mechanical strength can change drastically on a nanometer scale. Apart from the corresponding applications that have already been successfully implemented, this may prove to be of central importance for the new class of two-dimensional (2D) solids such as graphene or ultrathin MoS2. Since their discovery in 2004 those novel materials are envisaged to play a major role in future electronics as well as for nanomechanical devices. Reliable methods for a controlled manipulation of 2D materials are however still scarce. How and why SHI irradiation with its unique characteristics will make an impact on this field will be discussed.