23.–27. Juli 2012
Europe/Rome Zeitzone
This PANDA Computing Week will be dedicated to (beginning) developers, to provide a better understanding on the "ins and outs of our software framework" and to provide a basis for further developments. A basic understanding on C/C++ programming is required in order to participate.
Tentative topics on the list are:
- overview of the Fair/PandaRoot framework
- the full reconstruction chain and its data structure
- details on event generation, e.g. how to write your own physics model
- the software structure and algorithms related to the various detector implementations 
- track finding and fitting in pandaroot
- PID & Analysis: software structure, track correlations, fitters, and other algorithms
- time-based simulations: concept, implementation, and how to cope with the reconstruction
- how to write decent code: code quality assurance, debugging tools, documentations, etc.
- collaborative tools
- setting up working groups for further software developments