15-16 April 2019
Europe/Berlin timezone

Topics suggested


Topics for "High Intensity RFQ meets Reality" workshop.


 Rule --> yourID#ranking (example b9: b=ID, 9=ranking)


Proposed Topics/Discussions/Issues

 (1-10, 10 most relevant)


„Degradation and aging of RFQ electrodes“

a9, b10,d10,e10 (=39)


Beam Matching and Chopping at the RFQ Entrance

a10, b9, d10,e10 (=39)


Choice and consequences of the maximum allowed surface field.

a9, b9,d8,e10 (=36)


Choice and consequences of the maximum voltage and rf-energy content.

a10,c8,d8, e10 (=36)


Experience with HSI RFQ operation and status

a9,c10,e10 (=29)


Optimise an RFQ for machinability and operability

a9,c9,e9 (=27)


Beam Matching into the HSI RFQ

a9,e10 (=19)

What is the difference to the item before? Is it on Input Radial Matcher?

Machine Protection System issues that need to be addressed

d10,e7 (=17)


Precision in vane/electrode machining/alignment and RFQ performance

d9,e8 (=17)


Matching Experience from existing MEBTs

a8,e8 (=16)


Consistency between BD code prediction and experimental results

d9,e7 (=16)