Robert Roth, "Exotic Nuclei and Beyond: An Ab Initio Theory Perspective"

GSI KBW Lecture Hall

GSI KBW Lecture Hall

Robert Roth (TU Darmstadt)
Exotic Nuclei and Beyond: An Ab Initio Theory Perspective Over the past 20 years low-energy nuclear structure theory has changed profoundly. Several concurring developments are driving the field: developments of innovative many-body approaches for the ab initio study of nuclear structure and reactions, advances of chiral effective field theory for the construction of consistent nuclear interactions, and challenges from experiments targeting increasingly exotic nuclear systems. Together, these developments open a new era of ab initio nuclear structure and reaction calculations, even beyond the realm of exotic nuclei. I will discuss recent developments on the theoretical inputs and tools, ranging from the chiral interactions over similarity renormalization group transformations to various ab initio many-body approaches that enable us to attack new frontiers in low-energy nuclear theory. In addition to precision calculations for stable and exotic nuclei, I will discuss extensions to hypernuclei and unbound nuclear systems, such as the tetraneutron.
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