18-21 May 2015
Darmstadt, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

Atomic Physics, Plasma Physics, and Applied Science at the Future FAIR Facility

18 May 2015, 18:30
Darmstadtium (Darmstadt, Germany)


Darmstadt, Germany

Oral 00 - Invited talks Session Special


Thomas Stöhlker (GSI, Darmstadt)


FAIR with its intense beams of ions and antiprotons provides outstanding and worldwide unique experimental conditions for extreme matter research in atomic and plasma physics and for application oriented research in biophysics, medical physics and materials science. The associated research programs comprise interaction of matter with highest electromagnetic fields, properties of plasmas and of solid matter under extreme pressure, density, and temperature conditions, simulation of galactic cosmic radiation, research in nanoscience and charged particle radiotherapy. A broad variety of APPA-dedicated facilities including experimental stations, storage rings, and traps, equipped with most sophisticated instrumentation will allow the APPA community to tackle new challenges. The worldwide most intense source of slow antiprotons will expand the scope of APPA related research to the exciting field of antimatter.

Primary author

Thomas Stöhlker (GSI, Darmstadt)

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