Zoom plugin installed
The Zoom videoconference plugin is now available at the GSI Indico installation.
As the Zoom Service is not hosted within the EU, please note and read the Privacy-Policy hints and statements:
The following features are available:
- Zoom meetings can be directly created within an event via the item "Services" → "Videoconference" in the left menu of the management area.
- Zoom meetings can be easily displayed in the menu of a conference or the main page of a meeting or lecture or be hidden by the switch "Show room" below "Advanced settings".
- The passcode visibilty can be restricted to logged-in users, participants or no-one.
- Zoom meetings can be shared between more than one Indico event.
- Existing Zoom meetings can be added to an event, however only meetings created within Indico are visible in Indico.
- Zoom meetings can be included in the content to be transferred when cloning events.
- Indico users with GSI/FAIR email addresses can be meeting hosts via the GSI/FAIR Zoom subscription.
- The Zoom meetings may be restricted according to the licence type of the host (40 min. limit etc.).
- Zoom meetings can be created on behalf of other Indico users as meeting host.
- Event managers can make themselves a co-host, if they hold the necessary licence via the GSI/FAIR Zoom subscription.
- Zoom meetings can be created as regular meetings or as Webinars, if the licence of the host allows to create Webinars.
- Zoom meetings are visible and can also be edited in the Zoom web interface https://gsi-fair.zoom.us (the changes will be transferred to Indico).