

Notes on version 2.3

The Indico version 2.3 contains many new features in comparison to the previous version 2.2. The most important features are listed below. For a more complete overview see this blog post of the Indico developers or the change log.

  • The new paper editing module augments the existing peer reviewing module by providing an integrated and customizable workflow.
  • There are new possibilities for the access control of events and categories:
    • Access to events can be limited to registrants.
    • Category Roles (local groups of users controlled by category managers) can be set up which can be used for access control in underlying categories and events.
    • Roles can be imported from CSV/TXT files (containing one email per line which will be matched to existing Indico users).
  • The layout of the user's profile/dashboard has been improved:
    • A profile photo can be added (but be aware that in future this will be visible together with your name to other Indico users or even on the internet).
    • Events can be downloaded in ICS/iCal format for synchronising with mobile phones and calendaring applications.
  • During setup of events data can be imported from other events (timetable, registration forms, ...).
  • The new "Navigate" button allows you to quickly search for categories and access them directly.