Symposium on Perspectives in Quark-Gluon Plasma Physics

from Monday, 29 March 2010 (09:30) to Tuesday, 30 March 2010 (14:30)
GSI (Seminar Room Theory)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
29 Mar 2010
30 Mar 2010
09:30 Moving towards quantitative jet quenching measurements in heavy-ion collisions; Applying lessons learned at RHIC to LHC - Joern Putschke, Yale   (Seminar Room Theory)
10:15 Jets and Photons in ALICE - Thomas Dietel, Münster University   (Seminar Room Theory)
11:00 --- coffee break ---
11:30 Measuring the hottest temperature of the Universe - Alberica Toia, CERN   (Seminar Room Theory)
10:30 STAR probes of fundamental QCD symmetries and novel collective phenomena in relativistic heavy ion collisions - Ilya Selyuzhenkov, Indiana   (Seminar Room Theory)
11:15 Measurements of the Properties of Identified Hadrons in the ALICE Experiment at the LHC - Chiara Zampolli, CERN/CNAF   (Seminar Room Theory)
12:15 Heavy flavor in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC - MinJung Kweon, Heidelberg University   (Seminar Room Theory)
13:00 --- lunch break ---
14:00 Jet reconstruction and Jet Chemistry at LHC - Oliver Busch, Heidelberg University   (Seminar Room Theory)
14:45 Dilepton production in pp collisions - Anar Rustamov, GSI   (Seminar Room Theory)
12:00 --- lunch break ---
13:00 Collectivity as a signature of Quark Gluon Plasma - Adam Kisiel (CERN)   (Seminar Room Theory)
13:45 Particle production and QGP - Jacek Otwinowski, GSI   (Seminar Room Theory)