Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Atomic Physics: AP1
- Wilfried Noertershaeuser (University of Mainz)
- Thomas Beier (GSI)
Atomic Physics: AP2
- In diesem Block gibt es keine Vorsitzenden
Andreas Wolf
(MPI Heidelberg)
23.03.10, 14:30
Atomic Physics
Overview talk
Collisions between highly charged ions and electrons in merged electron beams have been introduced as a precision tool for determining atomic properties, applying ion storage rings both at lower and at high ion beam energy. Photorecombination in these collisions can be resonant, as the incident electron is captured in a bound quantum state while the target - a few-electron highly charged ion...
Bertalan Juhasz
(Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics, Vienna, Austria)
23.03.10, 15:30
Atomic Physics
Contributed talk
The hydrogen atom is one of the most extensively studied atomic systems, and its ground state hyperfine splitting (GS-HFS) at 1.42 GHz has been measured with an extremely high precision of 10^-12. Therefore the antimatter counterpart of hydrogen, the antihydrogen atom, consisting of an antiproton and a positron, is an ideal laboratory for studying the CPT symmetry.
The ASACUSA collaboration...
Svante Jonsell
(Stockholm University)
23.03.10, 16:00
Atomic Physics
Contributed talk
Cold antihydrogen atoms can be used for precision tests of fundamental matter-antimatter
symmetries, such as the CPT theorem. Cold antihydrogen was first produced in 2002 by
the ATHENA experiment [1] and the ATRAP experiment [2]. In both experiments, as well
as the more recent ALPHA experiment, antiatoms are formed by mixing antiprotons and
positrons trapped in a nested Penning trap. A lot...
Andrzej Warczak
(Jagiellonian University, Institute of Physics, Kraków)
23.03.10, 16:45
Atomic Physics
Overview talk
The new facility at GSI (FAIR) will have key features that offer a range of new research opportunities, among others, in atomic physics and related fields. In recent years, SPARC (Stored Particles Atomic Physics Research Collaboration) is grown up to more than 300 physicists from all over the world. The lecture will give a survey of selected atomic physics topics which form a motivation of ...
Istvan Orban
(GSI, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany)
25.03.10, 16:30
Atomic Physics
Contributed talk
Be-like ions are sources of forbidden emission lines which are relevant for the information on astrophysical plasmas. We propose to study the lifetimes of metastable states, and the influence of nuclear spin on it, in Be-like ions along the isoelectronic series, through electron-ion collision processes and through laser excitation.
The radiative decay of the 1s^2 2s2p(^3P_0) first...