4:00 PM
Inclusive Analysis of e+e- → Y(4260) → J/ψ + recoils for sqrt(𝒔) ∈ (4230, 4260, 4360, 4420, 4600) MeV
Mathilde Himmelreich
4:00 PM
Commissioning and First Experiments with TITAN’s Multiple-Reflection Time-of-Flight Isobar Separator and Mass Spectrometer
Sönke Beck
(JLU Giessen)
4:00 PM
Towards laserspectroscopy at CRYRING@ESR
Konstantin Mohr
(Technische Universität Darmstadt)
4:00 PM
Physics with R3B-NeuLAND at RIBF/RIKEN
Julian Kahlbow
(TU Darmstadt)
4:00 PM
Use of Tetracysteine-Tag and ReAsH as a Marker for DNA Damage in Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy
Susanne Tonnemacher
(GSI, Darmstadt)