sandeep chatterjee
22/05/2018, 11:00
Non-central relativistic heavy ion collisions break longitudinal boost invariance due to forward-backward asymmetry in local participant densities. This gives rise to the observed rapidity-odd directed flow of charged particles. We demonstrate that the heavy flavor
$v_1$ due to the forward-backward asymmetric drag of the bulk is several times larger than that of the bulk $v_1$[1]. This makes...
Oscar Garcia Montero
(Universitaet Heidelberg)
22/05/2018, 11:30
We compute the cross section for photons emitted from a qq¯ pair produced from gluon splitting in proton-nucleus (p+A) collisions at ultra-relativistic energies [1]. The computation is performed within the dilute-dense kinematics of the Color Glass Condensate (CGC) effective theory. Although the result obtained is formally at next-to-leading order in the CGC power counting, it provides at...
George Moschelli
(Lawrence Technological University)
22/05/2018, 12:00
We propose that rapidity dependent momentum correlations can be used to extract the shear relaxation time $\tau_\pi$ of the medium formed in high energy nuclear collisions. The stress-energy tensor in an equilibrium quark-gluon plasma is isotropic, but in nuclear collisions it is likely very far from this state. The relaxation time τπ characterizes the rate of isotropization and is a transport...