Edward Shuryak
(Stony Brook University)
21/05/2018, 11:30
A review of interrelation between those two fields consistes of two parts.
One covers recent progress in ``magnetic scenario", which treats QGP as
a dual plasma containing as quasiparticles not only quarks and gluons but
also magnetic monopoles, dominating the ensamble near $T_c$.
Recent account for monopoles contribution to jet quenching has solved
the problem with azimuthal...
Pavel Buividovich
(Regensburg University)
21/05/2018, 12:00
We describe a numerical method which allows to go beyond the classical approximation for the real-time dynamics of many-body systems by approximating the many-body Wigner function by the most general Gaussian function with time-dependent mean and dispersion. On a simple example of a classically chaotic system with two degrees of freedom we demonstrate that the Gaussian state approximation is...