DCS Session at CM XXX.

ZEL Presentation Room (FZJ, Juelich)

ZEL Presentation Room

FZJ, Juelich

PANDA Detector Control System Subgroup Session
    • 11:00 11:30
      Temperature and Humidity Monitoring for Proto192 (EMC) 30m
      EMC DCS talk by Florian Feldbauer
      Sprecher: Florian Feldbauer
    • 11:30 11:50
      A low noise/low power charge preamplifier for LAAPD and VPT detectors 20m
      EMC Barrel readout preamplifiers
      Sprecher: Werner Erni
    • 11:50 12:35
      Introduction to EPICS 45m
      Introduction to EPICS, followed by an EPICS Tutorial on Thursday afternoon
      Sprecher: Peter W. Zumbruch
    • 12:35 12:45
      A few reminders 10m
      Sprecher: Dan Protopopescu