Alessandro Paoloni
(Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN)
09.02.10, 11:30
OPERA is an experiment dedicated to the observation of numu into nutau oscillations through tau appearance on the CNGS beam. The experiment is composed by two identical super-modules, each with a target section (made of emulsion/lead bricks alternated to a scintillator Target Tracker) and a muon spectrometer (instrumented with bakelite RPCs and drift tubes).
The RPCs are operated in streamer...
Alberto Orso Maria Iorio
(Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II)
09.02.10, 11:50
During the months of july-september 2009 CMS has taken data from cosmic particles keeping the magnetic field on. This data taking was called Cosmics Runs At Four Tesla (CRAFT). CRAFT 2009 was a chance to measure the flexibility and the stability of the Level 1(L1) Trigger of RPCs . The Pattern Comparator (PAC) is the RPC L1 Trigger algorithm : during CRAFT it was modified in order to be better...
Alessandro Polini
(INFN Bologna)
09.02.10, 12:10
Muon detection plays a key role at the Large Hadron Collider. Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) provide the barrel region of the ATLAS detector with an independent muon trigger as well as a twocoordinate measurement. The chambers, arranged in three concentric layers, are operated in a strong magnetic toroidal field and cover a surface area of about 4000 m2.
The RPC Detector Control System is...
Marcello Bindi
(University and INFN of Bologna)
09.02.10, 12:30
Detailed studies on the behavior of ATLAS RPCs have been performed during last year of commissioning by using cosmic rays data and the first proton-proton collisions at 450 GeV.
Detector parameters like the environment variables (temperatures, pressures, gas mixture) or other working parameters (high voltage levels, front-end discriminating thresholds, pull-down currents) have been used to...
Angelo Guida
(INFN Lecce & Physics department of Salento University)
09.02.10, 12:50
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) were installed in the barrel region of ATLAS detector to provide the muon trigger (and a coarse measure of the “non-bending” phi coordinate) in the region |eta| < 1.05. The RPC are gaseous detector which measure the muon trajectory with 3 cm strips in the bending plane (r-z) and in the orthogonal direction (r-phi) with few nanoseconds time resolution. The trigger...